Helpful hints on how to make sure your board lasts a long time!
Most important items:
Don't drop it.
Don't wash in the dishwasher, don't soak in water and don't leave liquid standing on the board. This can cause the wood to expand/contract and possibly cause it to warp or cause weakness in glued joints and make is vulnerable to breaking.
Other helpful tips:
Wash with warm water and soap then dry immediately. Don't let water stand on the surface. Let it dry on its side so it can dry evenly on the top and bottom surfaces.
Reapply cutting board oil as needed. How often to reapply depends on use, many recommend every 1-3 months with heavy use. End-grain boards will require this step more often. This process keeps the vibrant colors vibrant but also protects the wood. Most importantly maintains the safety of the board. This is very important if you are preparing fish, poultry and other raw meats on the board. You can also apply cutting board creams/wax for additional protection. There are several great products out there to use I recommend making sure it is food safe and follow the directions of the product labeling.
Damage (nicks, gouges, dents, excessive knife marks): this can be sanded down and then reapply cutting board oil.